29 diciembre 2016


Una vivienda construida en 1771 en Gotland con una reforma respetuosa a través de los materiales.
Una abundante luz natural entra a través de ventanas e inunda las rugosas texturas de las paredes.
La piedra, la madera pintada de blanco o dejada al natural son los materiales que forman el pavimento. Los tejidos como el lino decoran las zonas de noche y el estar.

A house built in 1771 in Gotland with a respectful reform through materials.
Abundant natural light enters through windows and floods the rough textures of walls.
The stone, the wood painted white or left to the natural are the materials that form the pavement. Fabrics such as linen decorate the night and living areas.


5 comentarios:

  1. Hello,
    Christmas has passed, but I think you spent with joy.
    The new year comes with rapid strides to be a good year for all!
    Warm hugs, Mia

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  4. Simple but beautiful house decoration style
    [Cong ty thiet ke biệt thự đẹp]
